Friday, September 11, 2009

Education: High Blood Pressure Prevention.

Main complications of persistent high blood pr...
Main complications of persistent high blood pressure. Sources are found in main article: Wikipedia:Hypertension#Complications. To discuss image, please see Template_talk:Häggström diagrams. To edit, please use the svg version, convert to png and update both versions online. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Most of people with hypertension do not know they have it. In fact it has been estimated that about 50 percent are not aware of it. It is estimated by the year of 2025, one and half billion of people will live with High Blood Pressure.

High blood pressure can be caused by a malfunctioning kidney and adrenal gland dysfunction; yet, about ninety to ninety five percent of all cases have an unknown nature.

Even though, medicine is still searching for the right answers for cure of the silent disease, it is up to the patients to find remedies and cures to keep up their health. There are several ways to reduce your blood pressure. This article will focus on how to lower your blood pressure by losing weight.

Losing weight can be very challenging because it involves change in the lifestyle. However, once the individual is able to make few changes in the lifestyle losing weight becomes automatic.

Based on review from to British Hypertension Society, low intensity aerobic exercise can aid in lowering your blood pressure drastically. A low intensity aerobic exercise can be 20-30 min walk to a park or grocery store, slow movement yoga class, cardio workout class. It is important to maintain the routine and to exercise minimum three times a week.

The results do not show for the first 2 weeks. However, drastic results can be seen after one month. Losing weight happens in stages and an individual should be patient with him/herself. Even if the person will not see instant results in weight loss, the hypertension will be treated from the first day of exercise. Even low intensity activity will increase blood flow and improve cardiovascular system by flushing the bad cholesterol out of the body.


Find more Ways to treat High Blood Pressure

Eating the right type of foods is just as essential as the exercising. It is critical to eat everything in moderation and to avoid cravings. Many fitness instructors recommend taking small meals up to 6 times a day. When picking groceries chose chicken breast over a thigh or drumstick, very soon it will becomes natural picking the foods that are lower in cholesterol and a lot healthier for the body.

Consuming high amounts of water stimulates detoxification of body and helps healing processes to take place faster. By avoiding pops, fast food, processed foods one can eliminate about 30% of empty calorie intake.

While there is no precise explanation on the onset of hypertension, there are ways available to control and to prevent this disease. Maintaining a healthy weight by exercising and eating the right foods is one of many ways to battle high blood pressure.

While there is no perfet explanation to Hypertension, there are natural ways available to control and prevent this disease. Keeping a healthy weight by exercising and eating right is one of many ways to combat hypertension.
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