Friday, September 25, 2009

Herbal Preparations to Dissolve Kidney Stones.

Herbs (Photo credit: KatieTT)

There is an ongoing study investigating the effectiveness and safety of 9 east indian herbs regarding their ability to dissolve kidney stones.

The herbal preparation being studied is known as Cystone. The components of Cystone are as follows.

Didymocarpus pedicellata

Based on the data obtained this herb has been used by traditional herbal practitioners. It is mainly indicated for the treatment of renal afflictions in general. One study has shown that it possesses powerful antioxidant effects which are capable of preventing damage to the kidney in the presence of specific toxins in an experimental fashion. This herb was also found to have an antiproliferative effect.

The Present data available suggests this herb is primarily an antioxidant. Another herbal antioxidant has previously been shown in similar laboratory settings to prevent stone formation. A vital step not shown in the study with Didymocarpus.

Bergenia ligulata

This is a widely used plant in South Asia, mainly India and Pakistan, as a traditional medicine for treatment of Kidney Stones.

One study available in the pubmed database has shown that extracts of this herb prevented calcium salt deposition in renal tubules. The treatment was associated with increased urine output as if due to a diuretic effect of the herb as well as an increase in urinary magnesium along with antioxidant effects.

Muitiple kidney stones composed of uric acid a...
Muitiple kidney stones composed of uric acid and a small amount of calcium oxalate. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This study supported a possible role of the use of this herb in preventing stone formation. But the diuretic effect may need to be accounted for as this could interact with other common medication to cause dehydration or predispose for acute renal failure in certain circumstances. Safety data was not available for human subjects.

Rubia cordifolia

Reportedly a herb used since ancient times. It is also known as Manjistha. It is used as a "detoxifier" in traditional medicine. The herb was found to be useful as an antibiotic agent active against at least 2 common species of bacteria. The exact dose is unknown.

Antibiotics are useful for the treatment of kidney stones only when infection is suspected. The antibacterial property of this herb may be of use however its exact spectrum of activity and interactions in humans remain unknown. It is believed that given the long history of use it is at least safe. However the more effective it is the more likely that care needs to be taken in terms of interaction with other mainstream drugs.

Cyperus scariosus

This herb has one study dating back to 1972 which showed anti-inflammatory activity as well as antioxidant activitiy

Achyranthes aspera

A. aspera has been cited in 27 studies within the pubmed database. It has been found to have anti parasitic effect, an antifertility effect and cardiac toxicity, inreases levels of thyroid function and antiinflammatory effects.

aspera study 1
aspera study 2
aspera study 3
aspera study 4

Onosma bracteatum

One study published in 1957 was a study of the phytochemical and pharmacological study of this herb is unavailable currently. However it is like that the herb has medicinal effects hence the reason for the study initially.
Kidney stone
Kidney stone (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

No more useful evidence based information was available.

Vernonia cinerea

Was found to have potent antioxidant effects like many of the other herbal extracts.
Antimalaria effects as well as anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect.

In other words this maybe effective for treatment of pain and fever associated with stone passage.

Like most herbal preparations cystone is a mixed bag of herbs with multiple effects on multiple systems. THis herbal preparation seems somewhat more focused than some others in the areas of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. The current ongoing trial is likely to show some positive effect. We of course would await the results of this trial to recommend such a product. As with most herbal products drug interaction will be of concern.
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1 comment:

  1. I am totally agree with you since harbals have therapy for all diseases and they can cure them in better way.
