Thursday, September 3, 2009

Kidney Symptoms: Shortness of breath

Kidney symptoms

Shortness of breath or breathlessness is a common kidney symptom in advanced renal failure. The presence of breathlessness may be multifactorial. Retention of fluid may result in fluid accumulating within the lungs and reducing the available area for exchange of gases such as oxygen giving rise to the sensation of being unable to catch your breath. This is called pulmonary oedema and may occur as a direct consequence of fluid retention or as a result of another cardiovascular disease such as fluid around the heart due to renal failure, myocardial infarction or heart attack. Angina or an arrythmia which is an unusual and bizarre beating of the heart both may result in diminished ability of the heart to pump. This can be further worsened by anemia which is common in advanced kidney disease.
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